Thursday, June 23, 2011

OOBES/LD's/Dreams - Same place

I have been thinking why the new age stuff still seems to be the big deal and some people do actually claim they are real. People have been saying and believing in the astral, in the astral body, in lower or higher astral planes and so on. Who first came with this idea? Were they experiencing other types of OOBEs in which they had all this stuff or they are just lying to people so that it all sounds harder and people can give up?

As you guys may have noticed I barely use the word Astral and I keep saying there's no higher or lower astral. I say it is you or consciousness. Am I wrong? Are the new age writers wrong? I think both new age and "normal" terms actually describe the same one thing. Let me give you an example. When someone has a very vivid dream, it means they are in the higher astral. When the dream is not so vivid, it is in the lower one. I have been told this before. Also, failed attempts for OOBEs are in the lower astral and the very vivid ones in the higher one. This is what I know so far. Now, what if by "lower and higher astral plane" the people, who were not that "evolved" like us, described the difference in the level of awareness during dreams or OOBEs? I believe this is it. Also, OOBEs, LD's and normal dreams are as well only words to describe the level of awareness you had. The entire phenomena is actually just one thing. The only thing that is different is the level of awareness. By that, everyone would say that in an OOBE you should be very aware, although there are a few in which you are not. Are you sure they are OOBEs anymore? I have had OOBEs which slowly but surely turned into dreams or dreams that turned into OOBEs. It sometimes may be hard to describe an experience you have had because it started off as an OOBE, but and ended up like a dream. What was it then? I am posting this again with some editing.

       dreams------vivid dreams----(lucid dreams---)(SP---)OOBE/Wakefulness.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10    11   12   13    14   15   16   17   18   19   20.
            <<-------------------------- level of awareness ------------------------->>

I am sure there are people who have mistaken vivid dreams for lucid dreams. This is probably because they were so vivid and in control of them in which they THOUGHT this is what lucid dreaming is about. You have a lucid dream only when you know you are dreaming. You can be as aware as possible, it will still not be a lucid one unless you know you are dreaming. Isn't it disappointing a little? You did whatever you wanted in your dream and you still have not had an LD.

I describe OOBEs/dreams/LD's as "thinking without having a body". Theoretically, If your body was killed during the experience you would still be there without realizing it. This is exactly how it feels. Almost all of my OOBEs have been in or around my apartment and the only thing I could notice was that I was just as normal as I am now. I wasn't any soul, there was no silver cord, it was just I. From here, you can also notice that the separation is just an illusion. There is no actual separation and you do not always need it. We get the position when we get out of the body because of our perception of the physical body. We know we are lying in bed, that's where we should be. However, I have had OOBEs in which I felt I had projected from another side of the room. Also, in my very first experience, I do not remember to have felt any separation at all. I was either next to my bed or in my body. Lately, I have not even had a body in my experiences. I was just I, thinking and creating. You do not need a body in an OOBE. I sometimes feel like I am the world itself. We are just consciousness.

Experience dreams, experience LD's, experience SP and experience OOBES and see if they actually are a different phenomena. Once you are in SP, you are already in the OOBE. In fact "SP" starts before dreaming.

I just felt like just posting this. This is my opinion on dreams, oobes and LD's.

You may find more comments in here too.

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