Friday, June 17, 2011

My very first experience - December 2009

Astral projection or OOBE's wasn't what I wanted to learn or practice because I'd heard a lot of stories about it and I thought it was dangerous and I said I would only try lucid dreaming thinking that it is just a dream and you can always wake up.
I'd never had a lucid dream until one night when I said that I was going to read and practice more until I got one. I was so sure about this that I had my very first lucid dream in that night.  ;D

I don't think that I needed to realise that I was dreaming because as soon as I fell asleep I became lucid. I couldn't see anything but a screen of an i-phone and I knew I had to choose the place I liked to be in. I chose a weird place that I had never seen before and then I saw a white door. I opened the door thinking where it would bring me to. I got in a weird room and there were a lot of skeletons on the floor, so I freaked out and then teleported somewhere else.
I remember having gone in many other places when I woke up next to my bed. I wasn't sure what had actually happened, I thought it still was a lucid dream.

I was next to my bed, saw almost everything in my room, even the TV turned on, but I couldn't look into my bed's direction. I didn't even want to do that.
After a while, I started to feel my breath. I was scared because I was breathing too slowly and I thought I was going to die if I didn't start breathing faster. I wanted to wake up but each time I tried I got back in my body but only for a second (in SP) and then again next to my bed. I had tried to wake up about 7 times before I finally woke up. I was scared but also amazed of what had happened to me. However, I could consider myself "lucky" because I had experienced sleep paralysis before and I knew how to get out of them.
After the experience I didn't even bother to try LD again, I got all interested in oobes.  

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