Friday, June 24, 2011


I have been thinking about such thread and I am finally going to write it. I am going to write and organize all the methods that I have tried and worked and also those that I've heard to be successful. All these methods will be separated into two categories: Pre-sleep methods and non-pre-sleep methods.

Pre-sleep Methods

These methods require a previous sleep, short or long, before the induction. It can be an afternoon nap or a long night sleep. The idea is to make sure you have had any sort of sleep before the induction. Here are some hours I have tried out and worked:

1. Bedeekin method. Go to sleep later than usual, wake up 1-2 hours earlier than usual, have a 2 hours nap between 6-9 then induce after 2/4 hours. Usually at 11.
2. Wake up 2 hours earlier than usual and go to induce in 1 hour.
3. Wake up in the middle of the night, after 2/4/6 hours of sleep and try to induce.
4. Go to sleep at 1 am, wake up at 6 am and induce at 7 am.
5. Let me now if you have had any other hours in which it worked to add them here.

Usual means when you go to sleep naturally and also wake up naturally. If you usually wake up by alarm at 7 am, it is not "usual".
Also, in all of these methods you may experience:
a) Tiredness because of waking up from the nap/pre-sleep. Not only may you experience this, but you should feel like this. If you don't, then you may not be primed.
b) The feeling of being very awake that you could never go back to sleep even if you wanted to. This may happen after the pre-sleep if you stay up 1 hour or more. When you feel like this, you should go and try to induce as it may be the perfect state.

Non Pre-sleep Methods

These methods are also separated in four categories: when going to sleep, during the sleep, upon awakening, anytime.

When going to sleep

The only method I know for this is called Forced/False Falling asleep (FFA). This may be a hard one as you need to let yourself get deeper in your sleep until you reach a point in which you know you are close to losing consciousness and "fall asleep". In that moment you should remember to bring yourself back to wakefulness. I usually say the sentence "This is a dream. It's false" when I reach that point and then I suddenly get Sleep Paralysis. You may start having hypnagogic hallucinations and you may notice you are talking to yourself and seeing images. This is the best moment you should say your "magical sentence".

During the sleep

I believe the only way you can have OOBEs during the sleep is from Lucid Dreams. If you ever get lucid in your dream keep noticing your surroundings and keep yourself active. Also, start asking yourself questions such as "Who am I?", "What am I doing here?", "What do I want to do?", "How did I get here?". The more you ask yourself questions, the more awareness you gain and therefore the closer you are to OOBEs. I, unfortunately, do not know many methods for Lucid dreams, but you can try looking at your hands and asking yourself if you are dreaming when you do something in real life you would not normally do or when you think something that is happening to you is out of place. Usually, these types of situations get in your dreams and if you are used to doing reality checks you may get lucid. Also, I used to draw an "L" on my hand to remind me that I was dreaming. I used to look at it from time to time. I have not had many lucid dreams, but my friends who found it weird certainly did.

Upon awakening

These methods are almost the same as those with a pre-sleep, except that you do not stay up and return to induction. You have to remember to remain still when you wake up and to try different separation methods. I will post a few methods for separation later in this thread.


This is the method I find the hardest as you need to wait until your body gets relaxed, unlike the other situations when your body is already relaxed. I will not describe Phasing in here because I have never been able to give it a try and I am not entirely sure how it works, but I have heard that it is pretty successful. Here is a link to Xanth's Phasing with noticing:

On astralviewers:

Xanth's Phasing Primer:"

Separation methods

One method is to imagine that the ceiling is a magnet which attracts you. You should also let go all your fears and let yourself float. Another method would be to imagine some ropes that you are going to use to pull yourself out of your body. Usually, if you have tried a pre-sleep method and SP has occurred, you only need to move. It may feel very real and make you think you have ruined your OOBE, but there are not so many chances of you moving physically. Just try it, there are enough methods for you to get another experience anyway.
When I was in bed last night, waiting to fall asleep I sneezed and got up like 90 degrees. I think this could be a nice method for separation. Sneeze as hard as you can.


Under no circumstances should you get excited of your experience as you may get out of your state.
Under no circumstances should you be afraid of anything as it deepens the experience. This, however could be used as a method.
Under no circumstances, should you force the nap or pre-sleep before your induction. All the naps should be taken when you are tired.

Why do PSM (pre-sleep methods) work better than NPSM?

When you try any of the PSM you and your body are in a state in which your mind, due to the REM stage and high brain activity can remain awake while your body goes back faster into its 'sleep mode' because it has recently waken up from a sleep. If someone has anything to add, just let me know. ;D

About Sleep Paralysis

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